It will be unnecessary for me to check his blog. By "being legitimate", you have to talk by the academic context. Pointing out an article, which has no research finding and is heard by no scholars is a total ignorance. Too bad for his wife, who is a respected scholar, for having such an average typical Burmese as husband. How pathetic of you!Defending someone who has no value for the society!
But, after all, it is your time, not mine, which is wasted. Oh, sorry, my time is wasted too, trying to educate you for half a minute.
Thanks for high light, We want true scholars not just for degree holders or tin collectors. I am more interesting on subject themes, not personal.
As G.E. Harvey said "I won't argue Burmese are most intelligence and bravest in the Indochina,but,the weakness are incohesive and jealousy to each other. Harvey talked to U Chan Thar (1st BSI chair in Prime U Nu term) during ICS internship in Oxford, 1930s.
About jealousy, I agree on Daw Su's present elaboration "Jealousy came from inferior complexity".
I felt sorry to see such phenomena here, Please do not reply, take a rest and save your time.
နံရံလဲ မျဖိဳနုိင္
တံခါးေပါက္ဆီလဲ မသြား
ေရႊ၀ါေရာင္မွ အာရပ္လွဳိင္းစိတ္ကူးယဥ္သူမ်ားသုိ ့
စိတ္ကူးေတြကပဲ လက္ေတြ႕အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္မွဳေတြကို အစပ်ိဳးေပးခဲ႔တယ္မဟုတ္လား စိတ္ကူးမရဲတဲ႔ ခင္မ်ားတို႔သာ ေခ်ာက္ထဲကေန ပါးစပ္ေလးဟဟျပီး ဟိုကပါခ်သမွ် မ၀ တ၀ စားႀကပါ
နာမည္အရင္းအတုိင္း ဘာျဖစ္လို႔ မေရးရဲသလဲ။ လူမုန္းခံရမွာ စိုးလို႔။
ဘာေၾကာင့္ လူမုန္းခံရမွာကို စိုးရိမ္ တာလဲ။
သူတို႔ေဝဖန္ေနတဲ့ ဟိုမိန္းမႀကီးကို လူေတြက ခ်စ္ခင္ၾက ေမတၱာရိွတာကိုး။
အဲသည္မွာ ကြာသြားတာပါပဲ။
ကြာခ်က္ကတာ့ နာတယ္ေနာ !
(By Zaw Min)
ဗမာေတြ လြဲေနတဲ႔အခ်က္က နံမည္အရင္းေတြ ကေလာင္နံမည္ေတြကို ထည္႔ထည္႔ေျပာေနတဲ႔ကိစၥပဲ ဒီလိုနဲ႔ အႏွစ္သာရကို ျပန္မေဆြးေႏြးပဲ ေဟ႔ေကာင္ မင္းဘယ္သူလဲသိလို႔ကေတာ႔ လက္သီးခ်င္းယွဥ္ထိုးမယ္ဆိုတာပဲ လုပ္ေနႀကေတာ႔တယ္
ကိစၥတခုကို ကိုးကားေျပာဆိုမယ္ဆိုရင္ လူရိုေသရွင္ရိုေသ ပညာရွင္ကိုကိုးကားရတယ္ ဘိုမစကတ္ေအာက္က ေဇာ္မင္းက ဘာမို႔လို႔ သူေျပာတာက legitimate ျဖစ္ရသတုန္း? ဟာသ!
႒ကီးက်ယ္လိုုက္တာ။ အေနာနမတ္ (AnOnYmOuS, နံမယ္မေဖၚရင္) ဆိုုရင္ လက္မခံဘူးတဲ့။ လက္မခံရင္ တခုုုခုုခံလိုုက္ေပါ့။
ေရးခ်င္လြန္းလိူ. လက္ယားလြန္းလိုု. ေဘာ္ဒါဆီမွာ ဘီယာေအာ္ဒါေပးျပီး အီးေမး ဖြင့္ခိုုင္းရတယ္။
ပူေနာင္မွာလည္း ကြ်ဲနဲ.နြား အီးေမးနဲ. ဂ်ီေမး ျဖစ္သြားျပီ။
ေရွြဂံုတိုင္မွသည္ ေနျပည္ေတာ္ဆီ ခ်ီတက္လိုသူမ်ားသို.တဲ့။
ေရွြ၀ါေရာင္မွ အာရပ္လိွုုင္းစိတ္ကူးယဥ္သူမ်ားသိူ.တဲ့။
ေနအိမ္အက်ယ္ခ်ုုပ္မွ လွြတ္ေတာ္တြင္း အက်ယ္ခ်ုုပ္ဆီသိူ.
လိူ. ေရးရင္
ေဘာဖြတ္၊ ႒ကံ့ဖြတ္၊ ပပဖြတ္၊ မ်က္ေပါက္က်ဥ္းတိုု.ရဲ. အသဲဆြဲ
ပံုု ... ပူေနာင္ခ်ပ္ခ်ိန္း
Ko Reader,
Sorry! I'm feeble in Myanmar typing,so referred to Ko Zaw Min.
How smash is it !
If you want to know his status, please, see his blog in in detail.
Let me know reputable references.
ကဗ်ာဆရာ ကုိ Reader
စိတ္ကူးပဲယဥ္ျပီး ေထာက္ပံ့ေႀကး ထုတ္စားတာေလာက္ေတာ့ လူတုိင္းတတ္ပါတယ္ဗ်။ ကုိယ္တုိင္ ျမန္မာျပည္ျပန္ျပီး ဦးေဆာင္ဖုိ ့ေတာ့ ေႀကာက္ႀကသား
It will be unnecessary for me to check his blog. By "being legitimate", you have to talk by the academic context. Pointing out an article, which has no research finding and is heard by no scholars is a total ignorance. Too bad for his wife, who is a respected scholar, for having such an average typical Burmese as husband. How pathetic of you!Defending someone who has no value for the society!
But, after all, it is your time, not mine, which is wasted. Oh, sorry, my time is wasted too, trying to educate you for half a minute.
Dr. Ni
Ko Reader @ Dr.Ni,
Thanks for high light, We want true scholars not just for degree holders or tin collectors.
I am more interesting on subject themes, not personal.
As G.E. Harvey said "I won't argue Burmese are most intelligence and bravest in the Indochina,but,the weakness are incohesive and jealousy to each other.
Harvey talked to U Chan Thar (1st BSI chair in Prime U Nu term) during ICS internship in Oxford, 1930s.
About jealousy, I agree on Daw Su's present elaboration "Jealousy came from inferior complexity".
I felt sorry to see such phenomena here, Please do not reply, take a rest and save your time.
Reader သိူ.
ပညာတတ္ ဘိုုလိုုေတာ့ (ဘိုုလိုု talk) မ်ား ရွင္။
နတ္ကေတာ္တိုု. နားလယ္တာကေတာ့ ပညာတတ္လာရင္ ကိုု္ယ့္ကိုုကိုု္ယ္ ပိုုနိွမ့္ခ်ရမယ္တဲ့။ ျပည့္၀မွုုနဲ. ရင့္က်က္မွုုကိုု ပိုုျပရမယ္ေလ။ ဟုုတ္ဘူးလား။
မတတ္႒ကီးတိုု.ရဲ. တမိနစ္ခြဲ အခ်ိန္ဆံုုးရွံူးသြားပံုုကိုု ကြန္မင့္မွာတက္ေရးပံုု ေထာက္ရင္ ဘ၀င္ေလဟပ္ျပီး ေအာက္စလြတ္ေနပံုုရတယ္။
ပါရဂူ႒ကီးဘဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္၊ ဆရာ၀န္႒ကီးဘဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ သူမ်ားကိုုနွိမ္ေျပာလြန္းရင္ ေစာက္ျမင္ကပ္ခံရတတ္တယ္သိလား။
ေအာက္စေလးကိုု ၁ စက္ကန္.ေလာက္ အခ်ိန္ေပးျပီး ဖံုုးလိုုက္ပါဦးကြယ္ ေဘာင္ဘင္ေဒါက္တာနီရယ္။
ေစတနာ ဘလပြနဲ. ေဆးညွြန္းနဲ. ဓါတ္စာေပးပါရေစ။
ေဆးညွြန္း ... ေဂါမုုတ သူငယ္နာျမစ္ျဖတ္ေဆး (၁)ေန. (၃) ႒ကိမ္ ေရေအးေအးနဲ.ေသာက္ပါ။
ဓါတ္စာ ... ဇီးယိုုစားေပးပါ။
ေလွ်ာင္ရန္ ... ခြာျမင့္ဖိနပ္ ဒါမွမဟုုတ္ ေဒါက္ဖိနပ္မစီးပါနဲ.။
ပံုု ... ပူေနာင္ခ်ပ္ခ်ိန္း
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