Saturday, January 15, 2011

ခင္မမမ်ဳိး - ‘သား’ ႏွင့္ အျခား၀တၳဳတိုမ်ား

Khin Ma Ma Myo's Short Stories

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Saya Lun Swe,

Could you write about the latest developments in Tunisia where long suffering public finally overthrows the dictator. That dictator, who had been ruling (or misruling) the conuntry for 23 years and was thought to be invinsible, had to flee the country due the courageous actions of Tunisians. The whole event was started by the police confiscating vegetabel cart of a seller who was an unemployed graduate. He set himself on fire and subsequent reactions bring about the downfall of the hated dictator. Let me quote what the editorial in Wass Street Journal says; An oft-forgotten truth about dictatorships is how unassailable they appear—right up to the moment they fall. The theiving, murderous military junta headed by SOB Than Shwe is not unvinsible. All we need is some " spark (me phwar)" to initiate mass actions against this junta.