Monday, December 17, 2007

Essays from a Bomb-shelter

Aung Way

3. Without Vs Nothing

Perhaps where there's movement,
there's hope.
But without revolutionary theory,
nothing can be hopeful.
Pehaps where there's strike,
there's unity.
But without revolutionary front,
nothing can be united.
Perhaps where there's uprising,
there's truth.
But without revolutionary courage,
nothing can be truthful.
Perhaps where there's resistance,
there's freedom.
But without revolutionary sacrifice,
nothing can be free.

4. Snowballed Poetry Politics

I am not a poet, I think.
I know a poet is a rival government.
I am not a poet, I think.
I know a poet is an army of one.
I am not a poet, I think.
I know a poet can be only strong in ―
Poetry Politics.
Not Party Politics.
Not Power Politics.
Not Popular Politics, etc …
I am not a poet, I think.
I know a poet may be different from others.
I am not a poet, I think.
I know let there be unity in diversity
and diversity in unity.

Aung Way

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